
Google Brings New Features on Maps and Search for Small Businesses

Google is offering updated features to facilitate easier communication between companies and their customers. Take a look at what the new features are.

Google Brings New Features on Maps and Search for Small Businesses

Back in May 2020, Google made it possible to update Business Profiles directly from Google Search and Maps. Now, the company is bringing messaging capabilities and customer insights to Search and Maps.

With these new features, Google is striving to simplify the way businesses update their information. This should bring a positive change for both businesses and their customers, as long as companies take advantage of the features. Let’s take a look at what has changed.

Google Maps and Search Updates for Small Businesses

Verified businesses can now message customers straight from the Maps app. To use Google’s new messaging features, all you have to do is turn messaging on from your Business Profile. You can then respond to customers on Google Maps from the business messages section in the “Updates” tab. You will be able to see your messages right from Google Search and message customers directly from any of your devices.  

It’s a convenient way to communicate with customers, who can start a conversation with you or your staff member from any post you create. If they call your business number and you don’t pick up, they can send you a message instead. If you are using a messaging partner, you can also sign up for Business Messages API. Take a look at Google’s developer guide for more information.

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Why Use Google Messaging?

The new messaging feature has two significant advantages for SMEs. First, it allows companies to directly engage with their customers through the Google apps and improve customer relationships. Building trusted relationships is essential for SMEs who can’t compete with larger competitors. Increased visibility also means you can quickly inform your customers about new products, services, or promotions. You can even capture customers at their peak of interest when they are looking for you on Google. 

The other advantage is that Google is adding more data to performance insights, allowing companies to see the type of questions customers are searching to find their listings in Maps and Search. It will track information like the total amount of searches that triggered your business profile, if performance increased or decreased from the previous year, and how many times each search term triggered your business profile. It will also provide a breakdown of calls and messages initiated from the customers' side and the total number of interactions. More data is always a good thing since it helps you analyze and improve your online sales strategies.  

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